“I have come to understand that the highest prerogative of the soul is initiation.”
- Orland Bishop

Life is Beautiful. I am here to celebrate love and life, to ‘call praise’ to the beauty of life and to honour the life|death|rebirth cycle.

Life is a wild adventure, a roaring trip into the unknown and endless reach of possibility. A place of play and wonder. What’s not to love? What’s not to celebrate!

Life, of course, can also be challenging - that’s part of her charm and the gift of initiation; it is what helps us to grow. How might we meet these times of initiation, celebration, possibility and growth?

Through ritual, ceremony and the word.

My work supports you to meet, cross and celebrate the beauty of life and the initiations and thresholds we are gifted along the way. I create ritual and ceremony in a variety of contexts including end of life, marriage, and rites of passage for young people.

Bard Services


